Take the fast lane!

Take the fast lane!

Online check-in

Now you’re able to check-in to the hotel online in advance!

So how does it work?

  1. On the day of your arrival we’ll send you an SMS message including a link to the online check-in.
  2. After checking your reservation details you can sign your registration card on your smart device -> no need to do this at the desk anymore when arriving!
  3. Should you need transportation to HEL airport, you can book it to yourself within the system. Moreover, if you plan to park your car while visiting, you can inform your car’s registration number as well.
  4. Pay the booking in advance by card (in the system payment is not required for guests who have paid in advance)
  5. You’ll receive a code, which you use when collecting your keycard at the key pick-up kiosk at hotel lobby. Take the fast lane and skip the queues!

We are here, very close to the airport and at a very good price.

Book now